UNLV Connections: Word from the Interactive Measurement Group

Issue 23: Spring 2024

In the Spotlight


Poster sessions allow researchers to connect one-on-one, sharing knowledge and perspectives and developing ideas for future research. Join Cameron as they recount their experience presenting and talking with other presenters at the SPSP conference.

Jordan: Internship at Calm Clinic Psychiatry

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work in a clinical setting? Or to shadow clinicians?

Join Jordan as he recounts his internship experience at Calm Clinic Psychiatry.

picture of student graduating.

Lab members graduating

Each semester members of the Interactive Measurement Group are reaching milestones in their academic journey. Join us in congratulating our most recent graduates!

Group of students attending a seminar in a cool-lit, green room.

Lab members starting graduate school

Each semester our lab members are exceling in a multitude of ways, let us give our congratulations to the following lab members who have been accepted into graduate school:

  • Yuhan Bi: UNLV’s Couples and Family Therapy master’s program.
  • Traci Stephens: UNLV’s Couples and Family Therapy master’s program.
  • Susan Gutierrez: UNLV’s School Psychology Education Specialist Program.
  • Gemma Ortega: UNLV’s Social Work master’s program.
  • Cameron Pereira: New York City’s Teaching Fellows Program, where they will be teaching and getting their master’s degree in Special Education at Hunter College.
  • Jin Qian: UNLV’s Psychological and Brain Sciences PhD program.

Between Friends

A raised sign alongside a road and trees is colored in white with red lettering saying

Planned Imperfection
By Kimberly A. Barchard

At one time or another, we might all feel like we have too much work. But what can you do when it is clearly impossible to get everything done? Kim advocates planned imperfection.

Words- idea, plan, and action- with blue arrows going up.

Plan Smartly
By Yuhan Bi

Making a plan is easy and sometimes even enjoyable. However, implementing plans can be challenging (or impossible) when unexpected events happen. Yuhan explains how to create plans that are more feasible to implement.

Lessons Learned

An older women holds her child in her hands as she graduates.

How Overcoming Challenges as a Non-traditional Student Set Me Up for Future Success
By Susan Gleed

Discover the journey of a non-traditional student who is managing parenting duties along with her college workload. By asking for advice from peers who have faced similar challenges, Susan not only overcame obstacles but also emerged from them with newfound strength and resilience.

Wellness Corner

8-bit black screen featuring the Pac-Man game over screen with capitalized red text displaying 'GAME OVER'.

Overcoming My Video Game Addiction
By Fred Vincent Margallo

Video games can be a fun way to relieve stress, until you can’t put the controller down. Fred shares how Adam Alter’s book, Irresistible, helped him overcome his video game addiction.

A blur of different hued pinks.

How Meditation Helped Me
By Daniela Alvarez

Meditation can be a great method to calm the mind. Daniela discusses the two meditation techniques that helped her deal with anxiety.

Ideas that Changed Our Lives

Colorful array of books on floating shelves displaying various geometric patterns along the spines.

Improving the Quality of My Life by Reading Fiction
By Gemma Ortega

We often think of escaping into our favorite book as a guilty pleasure, but, in reality, it can bring many benefits. Gemma discusses three ways that reading fiction has improved the quality of her life.

A brown haired woman with a pink top painting.

Doing What You Love and Loving What You Do
By Dylan York

Busy schedules can leave hobbies on the back burner. Dylan shares two techniques that help ensure she spends quality time on her hobbies.


Association for Psychological Science Conference

  • May 23, 2024 – May 26, 2024
  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Deadline: December 20, 2023

Association for Psychological Science Global Psychological Science Summit

  • October, 2024
  • Location: Virtual
  • Submissions open June 2024

American Psychological Association Conference

  • August 8 – 10, 2024
  • Location: Seattle, WA
  • Deadline: September 7, 2023

American Psychological Association Division 24 Virtual Conference

  • September 26 – 27, 2024
  • Location: Virtual
  • Deadline: May 31, 2024

Western Psychological Association Conference

  • May 1 – 4, 2025
  • Location: Las Vegas, NV
  • Deadline: December 1, 2024

Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference

  • February 20 – 22, 2025
  • Location: Denver, CO
  • Deadline: July 11, 2024

Click here to view additional events

UNLV Department of Psychology
4505 S. Maryland Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV 89154-5030

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