Team Members

Dr. Kimberly A. Barchard

Fall 2001 – Present
A headshot of Dr. Kimberly A. Barchard

My primary goal is to empower others to understand and conduct research. I pursue this goal in both my teaching and my research. In the classroom, I teach students to use basic and advanced statistical techniques, to write research reports, and to create online studies. Outside the classroom, I involve undergraduates and graduates in all stages of the research process: study design, data collection, scoring, statistical analyses, write-up, and presentation at conferences and in journal articles. My research and publications build a bridge between the typical psychologist and the complex statistical and methodological tools that are available. Some of my publications are theoretical pieces, written in the language of statistics and formulas, meant to be read by other psychometricians. Some of my publications are applied pieces, written to demonstrate innovative techniques in the context of psychological research, meant to be read by researchers and students in psychology.

Kim’s LinkedIn

Fred Vincent Margallo

Lab Manager
Summer 2022 – Present
A headshot of Yuhan Bi

Hello! My name is Fred Vincent Margallo, but I go by Fred. This will be my seventh semester in the Interactive Measurement Group. I recently graduated from UNLV with a B.S. in biology and a minor in psychology. I plan on pursuing a Master’s in Speech-Language Pathology, with the goal of staying and providing healthcare services to the people in the Las Vegas community.

Fred’s LinkedIn

Monica Cordova-Medina

Summer 2020 – Present  
A headshot of Monica Cordova-Medina

Hello, I’m Monica! I’ve been in lab for two years and I graduated in the Spring of 2021 witha Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and a minor in Psychology. My research interests include motivation in learning, and equity in K-20 education. Currently, I am focusing on my professional development as a Data Scientist.

Monica’s LinkedIn

Cassandra Hoffman

Summer 2020 – Present  
A headshot of Cassandra Hoffman

Hello, my name is Cassandra Hoffman. I graduated from UNLV in the spring of 2022 with a B.A. in psychology and a minor in neuroscience. I am currently working to expand my research skills as I prepare to apply for a Ph.D. program in clinical psychology. In graduate school, my goal will be to help advance our understanding and improve the treatment of moral injury and trauma-related disorders.

Cassandra’s LinkedIn

Yuhan Bi

Summer 2021 – Present  
A headshot of Gemma Ortega

Hi, my name is Yuhan! I major in psychology with a minor in family studies. My career goal is to help people with their everyday concerns that are potentially harmful to their mental well-being. After graduating, I hope to get into grad school and study more about counseling.

Yuhan’s LinkedIn

Susan Gutierrez

Summer 2021 – Present  
A headshot of Susan Gutierrez

Hi, my name is Susan! I am currently a junior majoring in psychology, and this is my seventh semester in the lab. I hope to graduate in the Spring of 2024. After I graduate, I plan to attend a school psychology graduate program. In the future, I would like to become a school psychologist to advocate for the mental health needs of students.

Susan’s LinkedIn

Grace Hyde

Summer 2022 – Present  
A headshot of Grace, a woman with long pink hair, wearing glasses and a black shirt.

Hello! My name is Grace, and this is my fourth semester in the lab. I recently graduated from UNLV with a B.A. in psychology and a minor in family studies. I will begin graduate school in the fall of 2023 to obtain a Master of Library and Information Science and am interested in pursuing either archival studies or digital librarianship.

Grace’s LinkedIn

Daniela Alvarez

Summer 2022 – Present  
A headhot of Daniela Alvarez

Hello! My name is Daniela, and this is my fifth semester participating in the Interactive Measurement Group. I graduated from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas with a B.A. in psychology and a minor in sociology in Summer of 2022. I plan on pursuing a Masters in couples and family therapy. My ultimate goal is to provide mental health care to underrepresented communities and advocate for the destigmatization of psychological treatment.

Daniela’s LinkedIn

Maximilian Sinclair

Summer 2022 – Present  
A headhot of Maximilian Sinclair

Hello, I am Maximilian Sinclair. I am a political science major with a minor in Chinese. This is my sixth semester in this lab. My academic interests are research methods, international relations, comparative politics, statistics, Chinese language, data science, data analytics, political psychology, and climate change. I plan to graduate with a bachelor’s in political science in the spring of 2024. My goal is to get admitted into a graduate school in Europe to pursue a master’s degree in my field.

Maximilian’s LinkedIn

Jin Qian

Summer 2022 – Present  
A headhot of Jin Qian

Hello! My name is Jin Qian. I am currently a senior at UNLV majoring in Hospitality and Psychology. I am planning to graduate in the Spring of 2023. My plan after graduation is to work fulltime while I apply for graduate school. Then somewhere along the line, I will obtain a Ph.D. in clinical psychology. My ultimate goal is to continue to work on myself and provide those who are in pain the care and comfort they need.

Jin’s LinkedIn

Jerrica Robbins

Spring 2023- Present  
A headhot of Jerrica Robbins

Hello! My name is Jerrica. I am an undergraduate student majoring in psychology and minoring in sociology. This is my fourth semester working as a research assistant with the IMG. My research and career interests are implementing and analyzing the effects of educational programs on combating mental disorders in youth. I aim to create social programs that help adolescents better understand topics such as different functions of the brain, how we learn, nutrition, stress management, and overall mental health. My goal is to better equip young people to recognize signs of disorders such as PTSD and depression and to give them a safe space to explore those topics. During my time in the lab I will be sharpening my research and presentation skills to prepare me to apply for a Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program.

Jerrica’s LinkedIn

Dylan York

Spring 2023 – Present  
A smiling woman with blonde hair, wearing glasses and a brown coat.

Hello! My name is Dylan and this will be my third semester as a member of the IMG. I recently graduated in Spring 2023 with my B.A. in Psychology. As I continue to volunteer at the IMG lab I am currently job searching to get more experience in the psychology field as well as searching for a masters program that fits my interests.”

Dylan’s LinkedIn

Maya Lopez Foresythe

Spring 2023 – Present  
A smiling woman, with long brown hair and braces, wearing a green shirt and glasses.

Hi! My name is Maya and this is my fifth semester in the lab. I will be graduating Fall 2024 with a B.A. in Psychology. After graduation I hope to begin a Ph.D. program in clinical psychology. I am particularly interested in providing mental health resources to teenagers and young adults.

Maya’s LinkedIn

Jordan Dudley

Fall 2023 – Present  
Jordan, a man with long brown curly hair

Hi! My name is Jordan and this is my second semester in the Interactive Measurement Group. I’m currently a second-year psychology major with a minor in sociology. After I complete my bachelor’s degree in the spring of 2026, I am interested in attending graduate school to complete a doctorate program in clinical psychology. Whether through research or clinical practice, my goal is to explore psychopathology and provide insight and resources for mental health.

Jordan’s LinkedIn

Susan Gleed

Fall 2023 – Present  
Susan, a woman with long blong hair

I recently graduated with my B. A. in Psychology. I have applied to doctoral-level graduate programs with the aim of becoming an expert researcher in the fields of psychology and neuroscience. I believe research has the power to create positive social change and hope to create research that is impactful for our society and the field of psychology. I additionally hope by pursuing my education and career goals later in life (after pausing my education for several years to raise a family) I will empower other people in similar situations to not give up on their passions and aspirations.

Susan’s LinkedIn

Keilee Willer

Fall 2023 – Present  
Keilee, a woman with short dark brown hair

Hello! I’m Keilee Willer. I recently graduated during the Spring 2024 semester with a B.A. in psychology. I am currently in my third semester with the Interactive Measurement Group. My goal is to be able to provide mental health services to people in the Las Vegas community, especially adolescents and young adults. In order to attain this goal, I am currently seeking jobs in the mental health field and researching graduate programs that would be the best fit for me.

Keilee’s LinkedIn

Sisi Mai

Fall 2023 – Present  
Sisi, a woman with medium dark brown hair

Hello! My name is Sisi Mai. I’m currently a sophomore majoring in Psychology and minoring in Criminal Justice, and this is my second semester in the lab. I hope to graduate in Spring 2026 and plan to pursue a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. Hopefully, after becoming a clinical psychologist and gaining more experience I would like to become a criminal psychologist.

Sisi’s LinkedIn

Lilou-Carole Agostini

Spring 2024 – Present  
Lilou-Carole, a woman with medium blonde hair

I will graduate with a bachelor's degree in Psychology at UNLV in the spring of 2025 and hope to begin a Ph.D. program in Clinical Psychology the following fall. Spring 2024 is my first semester at the IMG Lab. I am interested in gendered issues, particularly gendered diagnoses of mental disorders, anxiety, and trauma from obstetric violence, research in Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, educational information dissemination, and the asymmetrical relationship between patients and care providers. Ultimately, I want to open a clinic and collaborate with professionals who can provide different therapy modalities and multicultural expertise. I hope to care for the Las Vegas community.

Lilou-Carole’s LinkedIn

Artit Sukmekerd

Spring 2024 – Present  
Artit, man with short dark brown hair

Hello, my name is Artit, but everyone just calls me Art. I am majoring in Psychology and am currently in my junior year where I hope to specialize in Neuropsychology and either become well-adjusted in a clinical position as a therapist or to be doing research regarding Neurological Psychology. My most basic and essential motivation in life is to become knowledgeable so that I may use said knowledge to help others live fulfilling lives and overcome personal obstacles. After graduating, I wish to enter medical school to pursue further education regarding everything I have said!

Artit’s LinkedIn

Alexzandria Castellanos

Spring 2024 – Present  
Alexzandria, girl with long brown hair

Hi, my name is Alexzandria! I am a Psychology Major, Sociology Minor. After my time at UNLV, I will apply to a Ph.D. program in Clinical Psychology. I plan to work mainly with children because if we can change the minds of our youth, then we can change the future. My goal will be to help individuals gain a solid foundation within themselves by working with them to strengthen their mental health. In doing so, I aim to show them that regardless of their external adversities, they have the power to thrive.

Alexzandria’s LinkedIn

Alejandra Corona Cifuentes

Spring 2024 – Present  
Alejandra, girl with brown hair wearing a beanie and glasses

Hello! My name is Alejandra Corona, and I am currently a student attending the University of Nevada, Las Vegas as a rising sophomore. Currently, I am majoring in Psychology but also minoring in Neuroscience. I am planning to work towards my goal of becoming a clinical neuropsychologist. Following graduation in Spring 2027, I hope to continue my studies in graduate school with a focus on neuroscience or clinical psychology in order to better understand how the brain impacts our behavior.

Alejandra’s LinkedIn

Michael Montano

Spring 2024 – Present  
Michael, man with very short brown hair

Hi, my name is Michael and this is my first semester in the IMG lab. I am on track to graduate in the Spring of 2025 with a B.A. in Economics. After, I plan on attending graduate school to obtain a Master’s in Data Analytics. With the goal of becoming a data analyst and eventually working for an organization that specializes in the development of impoverished communities.

Michael’s LinkedIn

Tessa Spiger

Spring 2024 – Present  
Tessa, woman with brown hair and dyed green ends

Hello. My name is Tessa Spiger and this is my second semester in the Interactive Measurement Group. I became a part of UNLV in fall 2023 and I plan to get my Bachelors in psychology with a minor in neuroscience. Then I plan to get my Ph.D in neuroscience. My goal is to one day do research into better psychiatric medicine for people with cluster B personality disorders, particularly narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder.

Tessa’s LinkedIn

Devon Maylin Lee

Summer 2024 – Present  
Maylin, a woman with pass the shoulders brown hair wearing clear glasses

Hi! I’m Devon Maylin, but I go by Maylin. I am a psychology major,and I am currently in my senior year here at UNLV. As a psychology major, I am fascinated in how the mind and body interact and influence each other. As well as how factors in someone’s childhood impact their psychological state in adulthood. After obtaining my bachelors, I plan on going to graduate school for a Master’s in Educational or School Psychology.

Maylin’s LinkedIn

Julienne Zoleta

Summer 2024 – Present  
Julienne, a woman with brown wavy hair and black glasses

Hello everyone! My name is Julienne Zoleta and I am in my second year at UNLV with a major in psychology and a minor in Asian studies. This is my first semester in the Interactive Measurement Group lab, and my research interests include mental health and social relationships in the context of Asian-American backgrounds and the portrayal of various social issues in mainstream media. After graduation, I hope to pursue my Master’s in Couple and Family Therapy at UNLV, and then a career in family therapy.

Julienne’s LinkedIn

Jae Billerbeck

Summer 2024 – Present  
Jae, a woman with mid-length dark brown hair

Hello! My name is Jae and I am part of the UNLV alumni. I graduated with a B.A. in Psychology in the Spring of 2023. I was previously a full-time lab member from January 2022 to May 2023. Currently, my role is to assist with the IMG’s newsletter, Connections: Word from the Interactive Measurement Group, as both an editor and an author.

Jae’s LinkedIn