Two mannequin heads facing each other and three dressed mannequins in the background.


A lab dedicated to research on climate change and psychometrics and preparing students for post-baccalaureate education and careers.

Mission Statement

The Interactive Measurement Group will:

Prepare students for post-baccalaureate education and careers:

  • Help students identify career and educational goals
  • Develop students' leadership and teamwork skills
  • Develop students' communication (oral and written) and computer skills
  • Develop students' research skills
  • Conduct research on climate change and psychometrics by:

  • reviewing and integrating published research
  • collecting, scoring, and analyzing data, and
  • presenting results in professional forums (e.g., conferences, publications).
  • Connections: Word from the Interactive Measurement Group

    The purpose of our newsletter is to keep lab members in touch with each other in order to create a sense of community between current and previous lab members. Since many lab members have similar educational and career goals, this community can be a powerful source of advice and perspective, and can also be a helpful resource for networking.


    Meet Our Team!

    Our team consists of hard-working undergraduate students who are interested in developing themselves professional and personally.

    From top left to bottom right lab members, Jordan, Max, Kim, J.D., Susan Gleed, Lilou, Jin, Michael, Yuhan, Luke, Fred, Traci, Alejandra, Keilee, Alex, Michael, Daniela, Maya, and Cameron are pictured in the Central Desert Complex with trees in the background.

    Our Research

    We conduct research on a variety of psychometric topics. This includes evaluating existing psychological tests and designing new tests and scoring systems. This includes measures of psychological variables related to climate change, such as the frequency of actions to combat climate change.
