Issue 3: June 2017
Data Checking
by Kim Barchard, Amber Stephens, and Elizabeth Ochoa
When data are typed into computers, data entry errors are inevitable. Our lab has conducted five studies on the best ways to detect and correct such errors. Read Kim Barchard, Amber Stephens, and Elizabeth Ochoa’s reflections on a decade’s worth of data checking research.
You’ve Done the Research; Now Go to a Conference!
by April Contreras and Carmela Tayag
Your research experience isn’t complete until you present a research poster at a conference! In addition to presenting your own research, you can meet legendary researchers, discover the latest research on your favorite psychological topics, and even watch a movie or two. Select to read April Contreras and Carmela Tayag’s experiences at WPA and AABSS, and find out what you can look forward to.
Homework on Holiday
by Kim Barchard
A beach in Hawaii with endless clear blue water. A cramped desk in a stuffy hotel room. Which would you choose? Which did I choose? Select to read Kim’s insights on working while on vacation.
Initiative, Self-Sufficiency, and Perseverance
by Ernesto Bedoy
As an undergraduate, you gain a lot of skills that will prepare you for graduate school. While your GPA and GRE scores are important, your initiative and perseverance on difficult research tasks will make your application stand out to an admissions committee. Read how Ernesto Bedoy’s problem-solving on difficult research tasks helped him get into the program of his dreams.
A Summer in Thailand
by Carmela Tayag
Many students consider the idea of studying abroad, but never take the time to make it a reality. If you ask anyone who has done it, they’ll tell you it was worthwhile. For many, study abroad changes their whole perspective on life. During the summer of 2016, Carmela Tayag traveled to Thailand and saw its unrivaled beauty. Select to learn a little about her journey in Thailand – and maybe you too will be convinced to study abroad!
My Experience as a Teaching Assistant
by Kristy Barraza
If you aren’t planning to be a teacher, is there any point in being a teaching assistant? Yes, there is! It can develop your confidence and prepare you for graduate school. Plus, maybe you’ll find you like it. Read about Kristy Barraza’s experience as a teaching assistant for introductory statistics.
Mental Health Resources
by Brianna Maxim-Trumbo
We know where to go when we have issues with our physical health, but we often do not know where to go for our mental health. Luckily, there are several mental health resources available in our community and Brianna Maxim-Trumbo has provided a list of them.
Dealing with Negative Emotions
by Kim Barchard
We all have examples of times when things didn’t turn out the way we wanted. When you can’t shake a negative feeling, there are many strategies for managing your emotions. Read Kim’s story to learn more about what strategies work best.
It’s All in Your Perspective
by Brianna Maxim-Trumbo
Road blocks are a part of life and we can’t always control the situations that arise. Sometimes, it isn’t about changing the situation, but changing our reactions to them. By reading A Man’s Search for Meaning by Dr. Viktor Frankl, Brianna Maxim-Trumbo changed her perspective of difficult situations and made them part of a positive journey.
Getting Things Done: It’s Easier with Good Organization
by Will Ebmeyer
Life as a college student can get a little disorganized, especially when prioritizing academic responsibilities. Everything seems important, so how do you know which tasks should be completed before others? With the help of David Allen’s book, Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity, Will Ebmeyer discovered the best ways to sort through his obligations. Select to find out what he learned and to see if any of these tips might work for you.
American Psychological Association
- Submission Deadline: December 1, 2016
- August 3 – 6, 2017
- Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington DC
American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Submission Deadline: November 19, 2017
- February 26 – 27, 2018
- Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, NV
Rocky Mountain Psychological Association
- Submission Deadline: January 26, 2018
- April 12 – 14, 2018
- Denver Marriott Tech Center, Denver, CO
Western Psychological Association
- Submission Deadline: November 15, 2017
- April 26 – 29, 2018
- TBD, Portland, OR