UNLV Connections: Word from the Interactive Measurement Group

Lego Lab Party

by Kaela Palmer Issue 2: January 2017

A collection of lego constructions. There are two houses, a boat, and a zoo all made of legos.In case you didn’t hear, CDC 520 was the place to be over summer 2016. Papers were written, stories were told and snacks were shared, but the most exciting event of the summer was the end of the semester lab party! This Lego themed party was the perfect way to wrap up a busy summer and it was a great excuse to get everyone together to relax, eat delicious food, watch The Lego Movie, and enjoy the literal buckets full of fun provided by Dr. Barchard.

What was in these magical buckets, you ask? Legos. Tons of bright, beautiful Legos filled the evening (and the tables) with lots of laughs and hours of entertainment. From a magnificent housing complex complete with a waterfront park and boat ramp, to a zoo fit for Pokémon, the Lego creations from that night were absolutely amazing.

And while the creations were enough to take your breath away, my favorite part of the evening was undoubtedly the time spent with my fellow lab members: Laughing and enjoying time together that didn’t involve paper deadlines or workshops.

Getting to work with everyone on a large, collective task allowed us to put our creative problem solving skills to good use and has enabled us to perform better as a team this semester. Working together to create such a fun evening was something those who attended will not soon forget.

If you did not get the chance to attend the last lab party – do not fear! A lab party is held at the end of every semester, and I sincerely encourage all members, past and present, to attend! No matter what the theme and activities for the next party turn out to be, I am confident that it will be a fantastic evening!

The spring 2017 lab party will be held on Wednesday May 3, from 4 – 7pm. RSVP to Kim.

Kaela PalmerKaela joined the Interactive Measurement group in Summer 2016. She is majoring in psychology, with a minor in family studies. In Dr. Barchard’s lab, Kaela enjoys taking on any task that may improve her academic writing skills. She is also proficient in Word, Excel, and SPSS. She will graduate in Fall 2017. After graduation, she plans to pursue a master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy.