UNLV Connections: Word from the Interactive Measurement Group

Inducing Productivity

by Maya Lopez Foresythe Issue 22: Fall 2023

Woman making the bed.During my first year as an undergrad, procrastination often led to missed deadlines, increased stress, and subpar finished products. Despite all these issues, it still felt like, at times, I was avoiding being productive. Sometimes the primary issue was that it felt almost impossible to get started. Now I have found ways to induce productivity.

The first method I use to induce productivity is finishing one small task. These tasks are usually things that need to be done around my house, but will occasionally be errands I need to run, for example, tidying the kitchen or my room, throwing in a load of laundry, or picking something up from the store. After finishing one task, no matter how small, I feel more motivated to continue. The key to this method is to not sit down or get sucked in by the distractions in my home. I make a conscious, but difficult, effort to avoid my bed, TV, couch, and phone. I head straight for my designated task and start working on it immediately.

Finishing small tasks around the house is perfect for days when I can work uninterrupted in my house, but because I live with family this opportunity does not come around very often. In addition, the TV in the living room continues to call to me and my favorite couch always looks so inviting. For this reason, I usually rely on my second method of inducing productivity: changing my environment. I often go to the library or a computer lab. These environments are specifically geared towards productivity and have designated work areas. In these spaces I am able to focus better on writing essays, studying, and completing my lab work. Moreover, getting dressed and going out is usually something I look forward to. Therefore, going to an environment where I can concentrate gives me a small pleasant task to accomplish first (getting dressed) and gets my body moving (which helps with energy and focus), both of which help me settle down in the new location to focus on my work.

I am now in my second year of college. I know I feel more motivated when I have already accomplished something for the day. And I know I work best when I am out of my house and in an environment tailored to productivity. These methods have significantly impacted my productivity and mindset when approaching my work. I recommend these two strategies to you whenever you are having trouble getting started on your work.

Maya Lopez ForesytheMaya joined the Interactive Measurement Group in the Spring of 2023 and plans to graduate in the Spring of 2025 with a B.A. in psychology. Since joining the IMG, she has served as the lab hours coordinator and as a teaching assistant for introductory statistics. After graduation, Maya plans to begin a graduate program in counseling or clinical psychology.