UNLV Connections: Word from the Interactive Measurement Group

Western Psychological Association 2023

This April, we presented six posters at the Western Psychological Association conference in Riverside, CA. One of our posters extended J.D.’s honors thesis research to explore the effect of a lovingkindness mediation on both sense of self and emotional affect. The remaining five posters covered various aspects of our new climate change research:

    Josh in front of his poster that pictures the words: The Climate Change Action Inventory measures the frequency of actions that reduce climate change.
  • The Climate Change Action Inventory reliably measures eight domains of behaviors that may reduce climate change
  • Water and energy conservation are strongly related
  • Climate-friendly purchasing choices have three factors: Choosing Sustainable Products, Advocating Pro-environmental Behavior, and Conservation over New Purchases
  • The Climate Change Hope Scale has three factors: Personal Willpower and Waypower, Collective Willpower and Waypower, and Lack of Willpower and Waypower
  • The Climate Change Dataset that we collected can be used to teach basic and advanced statistics

Additionally, we gave a 10-minute spoken presentation on Teaching Climate Change during Statistics and Kim gave an invited presentation on Becoming Yourself as part of The Last Lecture series.

Altogether, 16 students were involved in these 8 presentations. Congratulations all!


Barchard, K.A. (2023, April). Becoming yourself. [Invited presentation at the Last Lecture]. Western Psychological Association annual conference, Riverside, CA.

Barchard, K. A., Griffin, K., Billerbeck, J., Reyes, L., & Gonzalez, N. (2023, April). Teaching climate change during statistics. [Spoken presentation]. Western Psychological Association annual conference, Riverside, CA.

Barchard, K. A., Hoffman, C., Odents, O., Okagawa, K., Bi, Y., & Galloway, J. (2023, April). The Climate Change Action Inventory: Reliability and validity. [Poster presentation]. Western Psychological Association annual conference, Riverside, CA.

Bi, Y., Angulo, V., Newhouse, M., Odents, O., & Barchard, K. A. (2023, April). The Climate Change Hope Scale: Does three-factor model fit an adult sample? [Poster presentation]. Western Psychological Association annual conference, Riverside, CA.

Billerbeck, J., Galloway, J., & Wagoner, Y., & Barchard, K. A. (2023, April). Personal actions: The correlation between water and energy conservation. [Poster presentation]. Western Psychological Association annual conference, Riverside, CA.

Martinez, J., & Barchard, K. A. (2023, April). Examining the factor structure of the Climate Change Hope Scale: A confirmatory factor analysis. [Poster presentation]. Western Psychological Association annual conference, Riverside, CA.

Martinez, J., Sinclair, M., Qian, J., Bi, Y., & Barchard, K. A. (2023, April). Exploring the factor structure of climate-friendly purchasing choices. [Poster presentation]. Western Psychological Association annual conference, Riverside, CA.

Watt, J. D., & Barchard, K.A. (2023, April). Lovingkindness meditation expands non-meditators’ sense of self and improves emotional affect. [Poster presentation]. Western Psychological Association annual conference, Riverside, CA.