UNLV Connections: Word from the Interactive Measurement Group

The Next Step in Your Journey

The words 'Dream Big' over a black background.Fits, Grace, Ishrat, Jae, Josh, Mia, Victoria, and Zihan, you have learned and accomplished so much during your undergraduate careers and your time in our lab. You’ve learned to locate peer-reviewed articles, outline your arguments, solicit feedback, and polish your writing. You’ve learned to use SPSS, R, and Jamovi to conduct advanced statistical analyses, such as exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, moderation analysis, and censored data analysis. Although these research skills are important, you have also learned broader skills. You’ve built your leadership, mentoring, and teamwork skills. You’ve learned to assertively make requests and send reminders, but also to politely turn down more work. You’ve improved your organization, prioritization, and time management skills. You’ve identified the areas that are most interesting to you, the goals that are most important, and the best programs to help you on your career and life journeys. These skills and experiences will help you thrive in the varied programs you are pursuing:

  • Fitsum A. Ayele: Michigan State University’s Organizational Psychology PhD program
  • Grace Hyde: University of Milwaukee Wisconsin’s Library and Information Science MLIS program
  • Ishrat Zaman: UNLV’s Public Health PhD program
  • Jaedyn Billerbeck: UNLV’s Educational Specialist in School Psychology EdS program
  • Joshua Galloway: UNLV’s Couple and Family Therapy MS program
  • Mia Dominguez: UNLV’s Public Health MPH program
  • Victoria Angulo: UNLV’s Couple and Family Therapy MS program
  • Zihan Gong: UNLV’s Clinical Mental Health Counseling MS program

Congratulations to you all. Be sure to keep in touch!