UNLV Connections: Word from the Interactive Measurement Group

Issue 11: Spring 2020

In the Spotlight

Fireworks with man holding sparkler

Our Superstars!

Did you know that many of our lab members are involved in Psi Chi? Or that Matt Helm is graduating with his bachelor’s degree this semester? Or that J.D. Watt was accepted to the UNLV Honors College? Or that Bryce Robinson is a McNair Scholar? Each semester, past and current lab members come one step closer to achieving their academic and career goals. Join us in celebrating their triumphs!

Lessons Learned

Lindsay crossing the finish line

Lessons Learned on My Triathlon Journey
by Lindsay Denecker

Triathlons are a difficult feat of strength and endurance involving swimming, biking, and running. Those facing this physical and mental challenge can uncover some of life’s most valuable lessons. In this article, Lindsay describes her experience doing triathlons and shares the life lessons she has learned along the way.

The Leaning Tower of Spaghetti

The Leaning Tower of Spaghetti
by Fitsum Ayele

Challenging tasks can help facilitate growth on both the individual and team level. In this article, Fitsum describes his demanding experience creating a structure entirely of household items and the personal advancement he gainedfrom working on a team.

Ideas that Changed Our Lives

Man and woman floating in the sky

Learning to Dream Consciously
by John D. Watt

What if you could control your nighttime dreams? As you run desperately towards the exam, lost among the animated hat racks and Egyptian mummies, perhaps you could transport yourself into the commencement ceremony where your friends and family applaud your accomplishments as you walk across the stage. J.D. shares key techniques for starting a lucid dream and staying in it, which he learned from reading Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming. J.D. shares his experiences of using lucid dreams for both leisure and productivity.

Pencil and crumpled paper on top of open notebook

Achieving Flow State to Improve Writing Productivity
by Francesca Alonzi

Have you ever found it difficult to concentrate on an important task? Francesca shares her experiences getting “in the zone”while tackling a regularly occurring challenge as a university student – writing a paper. She explains the state of flow and describes the strategies she uses to achieve flow and improve her writing productivity.

Between Friends

Hand pointing to various food items

Smorgasbord of Research
by Kimberly Barchard

Helping students develop their post-baccalaureate plans is a major goal of the Interactive Measurement Group. However, many students struggle to identify their primary focus, sometimes because they have too many interests or sometimes because they are not strongly drawn to any one area. To help readers identify possible strategies and mistakes, Kim draws an analogy with eating at a smorgasbord.

Man hiding behind a mask

Snakes at Work
by Jelsy Cadenas Santos

Psychopaths make good entertainment when they are on shows like Criminal Minds. But when they live and work among us, their influence can be hurtful or destructive. After reading Snakes in Suits, Jelsy describes how psychopaths manipulate and abuse coworkers,and she encourages us to help each other recognize and resist their bullying and intimidation.

Someone carrying a suitcase

Gaining Experience: My Journey as an Intern
by Bryce Robinson

Internships are an important way to meet professionals in your field, learn new skills, and try out a career. Internships can also help you stand out when applying to graduate school programs. But how do you find an internship that’s right for you? In his article, Bryce shares how he found a great clinical psychology internship and what he learned during this experience.

Wellness Corner

Man touching his face

How to Stop Touching Your Face
by Kimberly Barchard

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, health professionals often tell us to “Stop touching your face!” If we avoid transferring germs from contaminated surfaces to our eyes, nose, and mouth, we are less likely to get infected. However, eliminating face touching (or even just reducing it) is hard. Kim describes her experience working with colleagueson an article explaining the best methods of changing face-touching habits, and her own struggles with changing this behavior.


Association for Psychological Science (APS) Virtual Poster Showcase

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UNLV Department of Psychology
4505 S. Maryland Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV 89154-5030

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